1. gofCopula::Banks
    Volatility-adjusted log returns of the two Banks Citigroup and Bank of America.
  2. gofCopula::CryptoCurrencies
    Volatility-adjusted log returns of the two Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Litecoin.
  3. gofCopula::IndexReturns2D
    Log returns of european stock indices
    matrix|100 x 2
  4. gofCopula::IndexReturns3D
    Log returns of european stock indices
    matrix|200 x 3
  5. IndexConstruction::market
    Market capitalization data for Cryptocurrencies.
    xts|1091 x 406
  6. IndexConstruction::price
    Pricing data for Cryptocurrencies.
    xts|1091 x 406
  7. IndexConstruction::vol
    Volume data for Cryptocurrencies.
    xts|1091 x 406